Saturday 28 November 2009

The last beat of the Heart

With every beat of my heart I know im alive. With every breath I take, I know I am free. But when we are born into this world we never think about that last breath, or the last beat of our heart.
We are born with a heart for a reason. It's not just to pump our blood around our body, it's for us to love. We mustn't let our last beat die without finding love, or our last breath fade without sharing it with that one special person.
What is the reason to breath if we live in vain?
Each and every breath we take should be for a reason, and once you find that reason, and only then, will you be happy to feel the last beat and take that last breath.

Monday 23 March 2009


The bottle of red wine clanged the chrystal glass as the wine sloshed from the spout. A long and hard day at work burned any life left inside me, my energy like a candle dying through time.
I reclined back in my chair with my lips folding over the rim of the glass. The wine warm and sharp, re-lighting the flame within me.
The remote within my hand aimed for the stereo; releasing a love song that sprung to my ears. A large bed of wild flowers within green pastures called to me as I imagined my body cushioned within such beauty. The sky, clear but alive with energy as the sun fired life within the openness, which displayed a beauty of its own.
The soft firy glow attracted many wild birds to soar and dance free, but it was two doves that attracted me.
The love birds displayed a dance within the sky, the affection highlighted by the closness they projected through their play, gracefull, caring and protective.
The beauty of nature is like music to my ears - like the doves - there is someone for everyone, and when you find them you never let them go.

The Bitter Rose

Summers day blooms the most beautiful flowers - both colours and scents. A blanket of wild flowers, bordered by evergreen trees, attracts lovers to delve within their cushioned aroma.
The golden glow within the purest blue sky beats down upon those who wish to appreciate the natural beauty.
A visit to the beauty spot - a handful of flowers picked - destined to be given to a wife, mother or lover.
Tulips, bluebells, orchids, for-get-me-nots,buttercups, daises and a single Red Rose bedded between the mulitiple colours.
A gentle touch falls upon the single rose. His finger tips stroking at the soft petals before strolling down the stem and then...


The single red rose is taken. For who? His wife? His Mother? Or his lover?

He has someone with him and strolls through the flowers, following the same path out that lead them in.
The rose clasped within one hand as his fingers on his other hand tickled hers. Her chuckle echoing as they reached the end. Their heads askew as they kissed goodbye. Him going his way, and her the other.
A kiss upon her fingers is blown towards him. Parted he heads home.

A police lady sitting with his children. Their eyes full of sorrow as they lifted their heads. The police lady stands and approaches him...

'I'm sorry sir, there has been an accident, your wife is dead.'

The disheartening words distanced as he thought of his guilt. He was out with his lover when he should have been with their mother.

'She tried calling you sir.' The police lady continued... ' her car broke down, but she couldn't get through.'

He pulled his phone from his pocket. It was off. He switched it off so as he could have time alone with his lover...

' The children came home with their aunt today' she continued as he lowered his head. 'Luck they did, as a lorry struck your wifes vehicle. She had no chance.'

The rose relased from his hand and come to rest upon the floor. His hand spotted with blood from the thorns. Her blood, he had her blood on his hands.

His seven year old daughter approached and picked up the rose...

'Is this for mummy? She would've loved it daddy.' Her gentle voice broke through the choaked emotions.

His head fell with shame, and a river of tears carried his guilt. His daughters hand clasped his...
'I'll look after you daddy!'

Who am I?

The pounding of my heart as I waunder through the deserted streets of my home town awakens the reality of the memory loss I endured.
The sudden lapse of my history - for a reason not known to me - emerging a stranger in a desperate hunt for a personality that had once exisited.
The street - lined with erected houses that margined me like two rows of soldiers - called to me as I strolled down the centre of the empty road.
The hollowness bounced the echo of the whisper repeatedly. But the whisper just wasn't loud enough. The calling distancing to my ears, and my thoughts incarcerating me from my own freedom.
The blanket of coldness surrounding me is becoming worse.

Where am I? What's happening - not only to me...but also my family, who am I?

Love is in the air...

Hand in hand we strolled through the busy sandy beaches. The golden glow of the sun beating down upon us.
Newly wed and much in love as we halted by the shore. My pink bikini revealed my glowing tan, and his muscular body deeply tanned - pinned against mine.
We kissed, and the beating waves splashed against our revealed skin as the shore drew closer.

Our love, and the rest of our lives now full of warmth and growing passion...

Jealous Lover

My feet dragged painfully across the hot and sharp cobbled road as my hands - blooded and swollen from the desperate grasp for freedom - pulled my weakened body.
I endured many days incarcerated within an air tight container - kidnapped - for what I know now...a jealous lover to my husband; desperate to gain full access to the love she endured during his time of betrayal to me.

My mind else where, prevented the pain from worsening as I made my long and agonsing journey to where ? I had no idea where I was.

The sun was beating down on me and my long dark hair began to stick around my face as the persperation greatened with every passing second.
My clothes, torn and riddled with dirt, clung to my malnorished body. My narrowed eyes released blured vision - darting within their sockets to gain full site.

My sight regained as I pulled myself to my kness. My pounding heart began to slow its pace as I concentrated my gaze upon the empty fields that boardered the cobbled roadway.
The green grass a luxury to my eyes. I rested upon this spot for a while, having no idea of the day or time. It seemed forever.

The heat from the sun withdrew from my skin as the tempreature dropped, and the much needed day light soon turned to a dismal and petrifying darkness. The emotions of the entrapment soon came rushing back, as the only light present, was the dimness of the moon.

The darkness carried my breath as I clenched into my knees. My distorted breath chilling my spine as my nerves dashed wildly with fear - scared to breath- scared to cry - any sound through the darkness gradually becoming my enemy.

Through the darkness, lights from the distance approached. The beames raced across the emptiness, stinging my eyes as they moved closer to me. I dived to the floor as the lights halted.

A creak emptied through the emptiness and my body quivered with fear. I huddled even tighter to myself as footsteps passed over the roughness of the road. Manly footsteps, heavy and slow. They halted before me. Too scared to look, I quivered beneath the shadow, and then suddenly - a touch fell upon my shoulder. I screamed hysterically, my cries echong through the emptiness -

'It's ok...don't be scared, let's get you home.'

I felt warm for once. He was a stranger...but he knew me. I had been on the news. I had been missing for five months, moved from one destination to another. He was passing by and saw me, he knew then, who I was, and the jealous lover, well...she's the one incarcerated now.

Dark Memories

Eleven today, why the sadness?

She lay within her puffy duvet. The glint of the moon slicing through the pleated blinds and casting beams upon her bedroom wall.

A year before, it was her tenth birthday party which was suppose to be fun. But horror struck the night before.

Her eyes cradled tears. The tears from her memories that emerged every night through the quietness.

What was the reason her father had to be taken from her?

The blooded blade still very much within her view.

A masked figure standing before her helpless person - looking down upon her.

His eyes through the black mask cast sorrow. He dropped the blooded blade clanging to the floor before fleeing.

The darkness protecting her fathers killer - her young eyes the witness, but her tongue silenced through fear.

A Double Life

The shadows of my past haunt my life today. Every moment, an action, a word or scenery, it reminds me of the darkness within my soul.

Isolated from the rest of the world within my white padded cell, my personality crumbles as the darkness within emerges. The troubled soul over powered any means of self-control within my life - a blank - to the many horrific crimes I'd been accused of.

A blood bath of a string of murders bore my foot prints within the pools of blood which trailed back to my dwelling.

A freak! A Twisted being! A monster!

Cruly slandered within the daily papers - not many stories printed as... 'The Demon' freak added plenty of entertainment to the many ignorant readers.

Yes, it was my footprints within the victims pools of blood and my blooded prints upon the walls and scenery. But it wasn't me that commited those crimes.

Insane - yes- but the crimes were commited by the lost soul hidden within. My body it's protection - my's prisoner!


His kiss fell upon my head with a warm embrace. His arms, firm and caring, craddled me as we lay upon the grass under the moon-light. The glow within his eyes showed me how much he cared and the sparkle enhanced by the glow of the small fire he lit within the steel bin.

The flames licked at the blistering wood and the crakle filled the openness. I gazed into his eyes. My body felt weak as his touch upon my cheek glided towards my chin, his words spilling his feelings for me as he whispered, his breath stroking at my ear, the feeling is love.


'Take me with you.' The homeless girl begged the smart suited man stepping from the train to continue the rest of his journey to work by foot. His slick dark hair glistening from the lights in the tube. 'Please sir' she continued...'Im hungry and very cold.'
She nestled by the esculator as he snubbed her exsitence. What would people think if he assosiated himself with a person who dressed in torn clothes - not forgetting - twice her usual size.

The steep esculator chomped slowly up to the top, the girl looking up and distanced to his eyes. He dropped his head as he looked down upon his shiny clean shoes that just stepped to the floor, and his heart ached from the selfishness swimming through his blood.

He wasn't brought up that way. Ignore the needy. That wasn't what he was brought up to do.

Across the street from the exit of the station, a stall with flowers called to him. He picked the blood red roses - twenty of them - guessing she was around the same age as the amount of roses he'd bought. His shoes tapped along the pathway and back into the station. He watched as the girl continued to beg passerbys - all snubbing her just like he did.

A tear gathered as he watched, and then slowly, he made his way down.The young girl looked up and smiled as he stood within the distance, his grasp upon the roses tightening as he angered through peoples reactions.

The girl rose to her feet. Her smile still dressing her face was the best dress she'd ever owned.

The announcement of another train pulling in echoed around the tunnels. The girl looked at the tracks.
At that moment, the man with the suit dropped the roses and the petals scattered across the platform. His eyes witnessing the girl as she lept high - her body struck by the arriving train - her sad life ignored by the world that passed her by.

The Intruder

The rough sea crashed against the sleeping seabed, the moonlight glistened upon the foaming waves, and the houses that margined the coastline, erect with silence as the residence slept cosily within their beds. But - unknown to them - an intruder lurked within the darkness of the cloudy night.

This intruder is a lonely person with a troubled mind. Unable to keep any job he turned to crime, stealing, bruling and drugs. Unable to make friends, his cry for help went un-noticed as he incarcerated himself for many days within the tiny, and damp bedsit he could afford.

The footsteps scurried along the cobbled pathway lining the coast. His dark clothing camouflaged within the darkness and his eyes darted from house to house as he thought of his desire to gain access to one of the properties.

The disturbed mind of this lonely soul posted images of inhumane behaviour. His split personality, a reason maybe, he found it hard to socialise.

He pulled his hood over his head as he halted opposite a large golden gate. His solider posture from his short stay at the regiment - emerging as his mind whizzed with a combanation of forced entrances.

Climbing the gate, he threw his leg over and pounced. Landing to a crouch upon the floor. His breaths echoed through the silence around him were drowned out now and then by a sudden crash of thundering waves.
Ahead of him, the white door had a personal invitation as a pot plant sat upon the step below. The window, his key to his means of entrance.
Inside the house was silent. The darkness only lit by the nightlights dotted around. He tiptoed along the thick piled carpet, freshly laid he thought, as the scent of the wrapping tickled his nose.
He made his way into the lounge. The large flat screen screamed at him as he wished he could live like these wealthy people.
Strolling across to it, his hand reached out and he fell deep in thought of the life he could have. A perfect family with the perfect home. But suddely, there was a scuffle above him that jerked him from his daze. The owner of the property making his way from his bedroom and down the stairs through the darkness. He made his way into the kitchen, he was still half asleep. His hand scattering to find the light switch and he then made his way towards the sink. He felt a chill from the hallway. He crept to the kitchen door and peered around the corner. His eyes falling upon the broken glass and the latch loose on the door.
He reached for the phone that was attached to the kitchen wall and began to dial the emergency, the operator requesting for a service, but receiving no reply.

A voice emerged through the darkness... 'I wouldn't if I were you!'

He replaced the phone and slowly turned to the command and welcomed by a gun aiming straight at his head.

An exchange of facial expressions lead to questions, brave questions on the owners behalf, did he want to loose his life?

The intruder brushed the questions thrown at him from his mind. His desperation to get away worth more than the life facing him. He wasn't going to leave empty handed either. A few top of the range mobiles and the flat screen were top of his list.
With the gun held at his head - the owner had no choice but to hunt for the items the intruder requested, dashing from one room to the other, like a shopping trip as he bundled all the small items into his dark ruck sack. He paused by the back door in the kitchen as a reflection within the glass of the door revealed a lady with a gun pointing towards him, and her orders for him to drop his gun flowing from behind. Her aim towards him angered him, like a match striking fireworks.
He spun to her orders, but not to drop the gun. He pulled the trigger, and within seconds the lady lay within a pool of blood.
His fury killed her, and he watched as her husband dashed franticly towards her and nestled to cover the wound the bullet struck within her chest.
Her heart embedded with the bullet of fury, and her life drained quickly from her.

Her husband held her tight within his tightening arms as his fury built within. His hand lowering onto his wife's stomach. A bump lay still as her breath stopped. Heavily pregnant, the life of the unborn child was also at risk.

The intruder gazed as he realised the lady was pregnant. His gun sliding from his hand and clanging upon the floor.
Laying within the hands of his dead wife - the gun - still loaded and ready to go.
He slid his hand from the wound and grasped the gun. His fury ending the life of the intruder. His unborn childs life within the hands of the paramedics, and his life changed forever as he says goodbye to his wife, and soon to know, his baby daughter who he never got to know.

The Deserted Woodland

My distorted breath carried through the darkness as I nestled terrified from a presence surrounding me.
A tree amongst the wooldland within the darkness of the night protected me from the intrepidation of the un-known, but still, solitude from any human life greatened my fear.
I had previously spent the day with friends. You know how young and foolish girls like to show off and to become popular with their mates - until it all goes wrong.

Im seventeen, slim build with a funky style of fashion. Well, let's just say - I get noticed with my purple and yellow layered hair.
My friends are all simular - some people like to name us as punks or just 'waste of space.' I wouldn't say that though. All we wanted was to be different, and boy did we get what we wanted.
The woodland everyone avoided because of rumours of multiple of murders years previously, seemed a great day out for myself and my five other funky friends. It was all fine during the day, swinging off branches, climbing the trees and even an old game of hide and seek. And then darkness crept in, that's when the fun really began.

A sudden mist crepted through the woodland from the distance, but within it, the mist carried a presence. This presence was evil and wasn't going to let us go without a fight. The whistle from the strengthening breeze added to my fear and the call of the wild stood hairs upon my body, like defensive soldiers on guard.
My body shivered as the darkness greatened. My call to my mates who I'd seperated from due to the thickening mist, went un -noticed, and the presence that was taking notice - I wanted to ignore.

The coldness sliced at my revealed skin as I waited for a response from my mates. But still, the waiting proved I was still alone.

Suddenly a whisper carried past me as I nestled for protection. The whisper deep, and thretened from my presence. But It was me who was trapped. I wanted to run but couldn't.

An icy touch upon my shoulder startled me. The touch springing me to my feet, but there was nothing there. And then my attention was alerted by a sudden scream echoing from the distance. I called to the cries which suddenly faded.

Was it one of my mates? I was terrified as one by one, the screams echoed witin the distance, only to fade like the first.
It was difficult to tell if it was them. I tried to control my emotions but was beaten by my fear. My eyes filled with tears as I broke down. All I wanted was to go home.

From the distance, a light slowly approached me, and within it, a cry for help filtered through. Again, I experienced the same icy touch, but also endured visions. The visions like flash backs of a troublesome past-life, pain, torture and death. I was taken over by this presence, the lives flashing hastily and my body enduring the pain within my vision; which soon caused me to pass out at the base of the tree.

Hours passed and the night soon became day. My trembling hands wiping at my eyes as I focused.
The sun beamed down upon me and the clouds passed slowly within the blue sky. I returned to my feet but was unable to see any of my mates. Prehaps they'd found their way out and made it home.
Upon the tree trunk a message carved within the wood had caught my eye.

'This tree is the protector, those who believe will survive.'

I stumbled as the statment rolled from my tongue. A whisper following and carrying with it lonely souls.
Prehaps the rumours were true all along. But were they murderd by some nut case or is there a killer within the presence of the woodland?

One thing I knew was that I wasn't hanging around to find out.

When I did eventually make it back home, I found out that none of my mates had made it out of the woodland.

Who ever carved that statement into the tree knew of the dangers lurking within the darkness.

The tree protected me, but I guess I'll never find out what happened to my mates.

Are their souls lurking within the darkness? All I know is that they're now listed as missing.


Everyday life passes as I lean against the cold glass pane within my bedroom. The heavy traffic passing with no idea of my entrapment within my family home.
Im a young boy - a twelve year old who use to go to school and was quite bright, and I never spoke out of line to anyone.
When I was seven my father died in a car accident, and of course my mother missed him, but she had to move on - well - that's what she told me anyway.
We now live with Darren. He pays for everything. He even told my mum to give up her nursing - I heard him, he was the jealous type, he insisted she gave up work so other men wouldn't look at her.
My room is like a place where the bad people go when policemen take them away, only seeing the door open for a scrap of food handed through. All my toys and games were taken from me too. They were bad for me - he said. Instead I work. School work, only Im not in school. Maybe he took me out of school because he was afraid that someone would see the bruises from his heavy hands when he gets mad, or notice the despair within my eyes when I look at them. You're probably thinking the obvious - climb out the window. I thought of that, but my window's too high. He also put a lock on it to stop me opening it. I can't bang on the window either. He said if I did then, well, he would hurt my mother. You'll probably thinking; why doesn't my mother do something? If I were you; I would too, but he's a psychotherapist - one word from my mum and she'll end up back in the hospital - where she met him.
My mum was in the hospital not long after my dad died. She couldn't cope. I was there for her and other relatives were too, but now we've moved to America, we only have him.
Days, then nights move. Different faces on the busy streets and the blanket of lights from the busy city lights my room.
Every morning and every night I look out of my window. A little hope that someone might glance up and notice the despair within my eyes. But I know that's not going to happen. I know because we live in an appartment, eight floors high. Knowone will ever beable to see the despair within my eyes. I count every day. He forgets that I won't always be a child - maybe I'll become as big as him, or maybe even bigger - but I know, when I do, that he will pay...


The taste of poison rimmed her lips as her tongue licked at the excitement of inheriting a lonely old lady's fortune. Her ill health digging at her grave - day by day - as a rare disease ate agressively. Her thoughts of her family a flash of bright light as she sank into the thickness of her king sized bed, and the thick silk duvet folded neatly up to her chin as she lay listening to the brewing storm within the distance of the comfort of her million pound mansion.

The maids were all she had within her life as she struck all members of her family from her life due to her greed. Her money all she ever thought of. Her children and grand children a burden to her freedom. It wasn't until the old lady found out she was going to die that she chose to see her family. But they didn't want to know. She had brushed them away at much needed times, now it was her turn.
As cruel as it may seem, they really didn't know this old lady any more. Gracy - the longest serving maid - planned on killing the selfish old lady. Her years serving the un-greatful cold hearted beast span her mind from all normality. The illict thoughts breathing life back into her exhausted body. She was going to be free, but at the same time, claim the inheritance she soley deserved.

Raising the wine glass to her lips as she sat within the candle lit kitchen. She relaxed from her long and exhausting shift. The other maids retired to their - not so comfortable - bare and cold rooms.
The wine went straight to her head. Her empty stomach absorbing the red wine like a sponge, and her teeth grinding as she thought about how much she hated the cold hearted beast, even in her illness there were no kind thoughts.

The old lady rang the annoying servent bell which echoed around the steel kitchen appliances. Gracy placed her glass upon the table and pushed herself to stand. The illict thoughts raced through her mind.
She strolled towards the kitchen door and glanced up the stairway to her right. The darkness glazing her view.
Each step she took alerted her presence. The old lady knew someone was emerging through the darkness.
Gracy stood by the door as the old lady's distorted voice called. Her weakness disabling her attempts to sit.
Gracy stepped back and knocked a vase from the small table by the door. The pieces shattering by her feet and her nervous breath surrounding the darkness around her.The old lady called through the darkness, but she received no reply. The eerie silence now her enemy - she was too sick and frail to move - she knew someone was there, and she felt that she was in danger...but in danger to what...or who?

Marriage...til death do us part

'Please stop' her cries towards her husband's brutal actions carried through the openness of the empty car park. Her tight fitting white dress torn by his musclar physique. The enforcement to take what was rightfully his performed an in-appropriate act upon the coldness of the ground.

A river of tears gathered within her eyes as her husband zipped himself away. His grey shirt hanging loosely. He gazed at his newly-wed as she curled into a ball. Her sniffles carrying the fear as she glanced back at his smug grin.

They'd only been together for three months and she was carried away by his promises of a rich and wonderful life. She agreed to marry the swine. It only took two whole days of married bliss to ermerge the beast within him. She actually believed in him, and believed she loved him. But as her eyes focused upon his shuddering shoulders from his laughter, she dwelled upon illict thoughts. She would get revenge. Play along with what he wants, and then POW!
But what would she do? How would she do it? It would take time, meaning more abuse, more heart ache and more bruises to add to her growing collection...

Love on the Hill Tops

Huddled together upon the hill-top, he held me within his arms, my head askew as we watched the sun rise above the tree tops which stood tall and proud within the distance.

A small fire we burned during the cold night of our stay within the two man tent had just started to fizzle out. The cooling branches popped, and the grey smoke puffed and carried away with the passing breeze.

He turned and looked at me. His green eyes gazing into my blue eyes with such deepness. His love for me emerging through his smile and his flowing words a song to my ears...

Summer Love

The moonlight glistend upon the calm sea-bed, and the warmth from the summer night wrapped my body beneath my skimpy silk night gown as I stood with the sand between my toes.
My thoughts of the only man I loved within the distance of the shore line. His breath still haunting upon my bare neck, and his touch upon my body still very much alive within my feelings.
The breeze swept at my long brown hair as I closed my eyes. My imagination taking me back to this stranger i'd become to know and love. His embrace released feelings and emotions hidden deep within me, and his tender kiss...a start of something beautiful.

The Blanket of Darkness

The blanket of darkness concealed a deadly silence as the community tucked up for the night. Little did they know their lives would be changed forever. The danger lurking through the night emerged from an energetic serge through the earths atmospere. The sudden flash of light opening the doorway for the lost souls to torture and destroy the innocent lives they so desperately seek, and bringing calamity to render the earth.


The whispering breeze carried a passionate sigh to my ear. His touch upon my bare shoulders drew my breath as I melted within his arms. His tender lips passed gently down my neck, and his arms explored my body fully as I fell deeply within his spell.
My emotions sored and my body tingled as he whispered sweet nothings in my ear. I slid from the rest of my clothes - his following, and our bodies entwined to start an everlasting and loving relationship...

A love to bound our bodies and souls and to create and nuture our future.


As soon as he entered the room the electric raced through my body, and my blood rushed to my fast beating heart. His brown eyes gazed deeply into my blue eyes - his silence - the flame to my candle, and the oxygen - the ignitor to the spark.
His lips passed rapidly from mine and onto my bare neck. My legs weakening as I fell deeply within his spell.
He whispered gently into my ear. The warmth of his breath sent a sensation I longed for and finally endured. His hands held me tight as we embraced one another. His arms protecting me, and his words...winning me...

Blindness of Love

The deathly silence rendered my fear as I stood alone witin the blanket of darkness. The memories of the warmth and comfort I endured were a life time away it seemed, since I walked out from the love of my family.

The ignorance to the truth taking priority over what really mattered. I should've listened to my family. My thoughts poured as a river of tears gathered at the thought of my stupidity. My selfishness of my own dreams leading me into my own nightmare.

At nineteen, I thought I knew everything! But, as I was to soon find out, I couldn't be further from the truth.

I waited for my parents to settle for the night and climbed out of my window. And there he was, the man with the soft voice, dreamy dark eyes and smartly dressed (every day) for his time in his office.
He awaited my presence. Greeting me with a kiss upon each cheek, and his fragrance sending me weak, but also reminding me of our wild and passionate nights together...secrete nights!

Oh yes, he was married, and I planned to steal him from his fifteen year relationship - not even worrying about his two young children. It was me I was thinking about, what he could give me, what I needed, and what I just had to have!

He opened his door like a real gentleman and then he sneaked in a cheeky feel under my short pink skirt. I glanced back at him, and he grinned before combing his fingers through my long blonde hair.
I settled upon the seat and his eyes danced within their sockets as they copped an eyefull down my tight fitting white blouse, and my thighs revealed more as I slid my skirt further up.
He jumped in the drivers seat and we set off to a destination unknown. He was leaving his wife and kids, and giving me it all. Everything I'd ever wanted he promised I would have.

We travelled for a few hours stopping for a break in between, and for whatever it was that took our fancy. And then we arrived there. Our destination far away from anywhere - our own little love nest, and our start of our future together.

We entered the thatched roof bungalow within the woodland and he slammed the heavy front door, locking it with mulitiple locks - which made me a little on the curious side. But he just reassured me that it was for our protection!

I should've know then. I should've run. But I believed him, and I trusted him. My nightmare was just begining, and the blanket of darkness within the confined space he incarcerated me within - battered, bruised and left for dead - is all there was to greet me - until his next visit...


I awoke within the whiteness of the hospital ward, and a single bedded room. The blue blanket tucked tightly around my weak body with only my shoulders exposed, paralysed my motions.

How did I get here? What was I doing? Why was I here?

Questions, questions, and more questions stabbed at me as I lay lost and confused. My head pounded repeatedly. The constant pain emerging from deep within and stinging my eyes. But all along, what I didn't know, was that a deadly virus was eating away at my flesh. Eating and destroying the person who I am, who I was, and who I loved being. But there was a reason for this flesh eating disease - not that anyone knew - It was to be the start of...

A Broken Heart

I wait for that perfect moment when he holds me in his arms. But his true feelings for me are buried as his mind craves the love of another. We're distant but close enough to feel the warmth of the love between us. His love for me is drifting - drifting with the ocean. His words faint to my ears, and his touch non existant. He is pulling away from me. I can feel it. My love he has taken is deep beneath the ocean that seperates us.
Lost and suffocating...the love has perished.