Monday 23 March 2009

Jealous Lover

My feet dragged painfully across the hot and sharp cobbled road as my hands - blooded and swollen from the desperate grasp for freedom - pulled my weakened body.
I endured many days incarcerated within an air tight container - kidnapped - for what I know now...a jealous lover to my husband; desperate to gain full access to the love she endured during his time of betrayal to me.

My mind else where, prevented the pain from worsening as I made my long and agonsing journey to where ? I had no idea where I was.

The sun was beating down on me and my long dark hair began to stick around my face as the persperation greatened with every passing second.
My clothes, torn and riddled with dirt, clung to my malnorished body. My narrowed eyes released blured vision - darting within their sockets to gain full site.

My sight regained as I pulled myself to my kness. My pounding heart began to slow its pace as I concentrated my gaze upon the empty fields that boardered the cobbled roadway.
The green grass a luxury to my eyes. I rested upon this spot for a while, having no idea of the day or time. It seemed forever.

The heat from the sun withdrew from my skin as the tempreature dropped, and the much needed day light soon turned to a dismal and petrifying darkness. The emotions of the entrapment soon came rushing back, as the only light present, was the dimness of the moon.

The darkness carried my breath as I clenched into my knees. My distorted breath chilling my spine as my nerves dashed wildly with fear - scared to breath- scared to cry - any sound through the darkness gradually becoming my enemy.

Through the darkness, lights from the distance approached. The beames raced across the emptiness, stinging my eyes as they moved closer to me. I dived to the floor as the lights halted.

A creak emptied through the emptiness and my body quivered with fear. I huddled even tighter to myself as footsteps passed over the roughness of the road. Manly footsteps, heavy and slow. They halted before me. Too scared to look, I quivered beneath the shadow, and then suddenly - a touch fell upon my shoulder. I screamed hysterically, my cries echong through the emptiness -

'It's ok...don't be scared, let's get you home.'

I felt warm for once. He was a stranger...but he knew me. I had been on the news. I had been missing for five months, moved from one destination to another. He was passing by and saw me, he knew then, who I was, and the jealous lover, well...she's the one incarcerated now.

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